Part 1
A man was quarrelling with a driver on the road just because he insulted his mother.
The quarrel turned into a fight.
The more people were coming to separate them, the more the argument because anyone that comes will be on any of the two men's side.
"Why would he be insulting his mother" someone said.
There was a great crowd of argument and it lasted from that morning till 11:50 in the midnight.

The next day, as early has 7 in the morning, there was war.
Many people took rake, Cutlass, sticks, iron etc. Some people took guns and machine gun.
The people were fighting.
People were running for there lives. It was terrible. Many people lost there life.
A man was running for his life but suddenly gave up because of the way he saw bullets flying everywhere.
"Oh where is the president? What does he have to say about this?" Someone shouted.
And the president was just hiding under a table with only shorts.
No where was safe.
A 9 years old child was running for his life then he heard someone shouting "HELP! HELP ME!".
As the child came, he saw blood rushing out of the man's neck and a knife was pierced into his stomach.
The child didn't know what to do. The man kept begging for help until he finally died.
WORLD WAR III Part 1 A man was quarrelling with a driver on the road just because he insulted his mother. The quarrel turned into a fight. The more people were coming to separate them, the more the argument because anyone that comes will be on any of the two men's side. "Why would he be insulting his mother" someone said. There was a great crowd of argument and it lasted from that morning till 11:50 in the midnight. The next day, as early has 7 in the morning, there was war. Many people took rake, Cutlass, sticks, iron etc. Some people took guns and machine gun. The people were fighting. People were running for there lives. It was terrible. Many people lost there life. A man was running for his life but suddenly gave up because of the way he saw bullets flying everywhere. "Oh where is the president? What does he have to say about this?" Someone shouted. And the president was just hiding under a table with only shorts. No where was safe. A 9 years old child was running for his life then he heard someone shouting "HELP! HELP ME!". As the child came, he saw blood rushing out of the man's neck and a knife was pierced into his stomach. The child didn't know what to do. The man kept begging for help until he finally died.