The digital world is designed to show you the filtered and unreal version of life. A life that makes you question your progress, a world that portrays everything so perfect that you start hating your flaws, a world that makes you feel jealous and insecure.
And don’t get me started on our real life.
When I was a child, I was always compared based on my grades and face. I was made to believe that I was not as good-looking as other girls in my family were. And since I used to barely get past the exams, I was repetitively called ‘too dumb to even talk with’
I accepted society’s judgments as my reality and began to repeat them every day. For 17 years, I thought I have an ugly face with a dull smile and a dumb brain with no future.
In such a world how can you really manifest the life you want? How can you achieve your goals? How can you stay positive?
Just when you give yourself a pep-talk, the world reminds you that you aren’t worth it and that you are left behind.
What happens then?
Gradually, you start losing your grip on yourself. You start accepting society’s opinions about you as your reality. You start falling into the dark tunnel where only you and your past mistakes hold onto each other so strongly that the future seems scary and dark.
The point is no matter how big you are on positivity, even one negative limiting belief or comment from others can hunt you down dragging you to the dark tunnel of your past failures.
In fact, if I give my example. I have read over self-help 200 books in the past 2 years yet there are times when the limiting opinions from my past influence me and make me the question ‘if my dreams are too big for me’
And I know for sure that if I allow these limiting thoughts to wander around in my head even for a second, they can take the lead polluting my entire thought process while robbing my confidence in my capabilities.
I know I don’t want that. I know I have spent years healing myself. I know I have struggled a lot in breaking those negative self-beliefs and reaching where I am now.
Hence, I decided to create an empowering system for myself that keeps me positive, focused on my goals, and open to abundance. I want to remind myself every day that I have big goals to achieve, I am capable of anything I set my mind to and I can be whatever I set my mind on.
And here is one app that is helping me build that bridge-the bridge between my current self to my future version. A bridge from where I am now to where I want to go. Although, I don’t recommend nor use any app because personally, I find all the apps just distracting, space-taking, and practically useless but this one APP won my heart over so cheers to the only app that I use — PERFECTLY HAPPY.

Perfectly happy is an app that allows you to create a vision board, positive self-affirmations, and Journal in just one place. Now, let’s see how I use Perfectly Happy along with its best features that made me write this blog. Shall we?
1. Create a Vision Board; A Talking Vision Board:
How many times do you imagine what could go wrong in a day? Perhaps, all day long.
And then you worry about why you cannot live your dream life when you are supposed to go to bed. How funny, isn’t it? We all want to live a fairytale but we imagine the worst of everything. No wonder why we are becoming so miserable day by day.
When you surround yourself with images & affirmations of what you want to have and who you want to become, your life changes to match those images & desires. Whatever you frequently Focus upon, the law of attraction brings to you.
The choice lies in your hands though. Do you want to manifest your dream life or do you want to feel jealous seeing someone else’s life?
When I started using Perfectly Happy, I created my own customized vision board covering all the areas of my life where I want to grow. Perfectly Happy allows you to cover every possible area you could think of like:
- Health
- Body Positivity
- Sleep & Relaxation
- Work & Career
- Wealth & Lifestyle
- Family
- Partnership
- Spirituality
What’s even great? You not only get to choose the areas in which you want to improve, but as per the areas, you also get to choose the related images and affirmations that help you attract your dream life.
Once you choose the images that specifically look like your dream life, you can then either enter the affirmations provided by Perfectly Happy (which are kick-ass strong) or you can add your own affirmations.
And wait. It doesn’t end here. Unlike other vision boards, Perfectly Happy’s vision board can talk too. I am practically laughing but it’s true. All the affirmations that you enter while creating your vision board can be heard as well.
So, tell me what’s the best way to start and end your day?
Just open Perfectly Happy, click on your vision board, put on your headphones, go on a walk and start listening to all the affirmations you entered. Affirmations that make you feel stronger. Affirmations that align with your dream life.
Besides, our subconscious mind cannot differentiate between what is real and what is just opinions/imagination. If you keep repeating something, your subconscious mind will treat it as real and convert that image into reality, whether good or bad. In my case, I was repetitively speaking negatively about myself, hence my subconscious mind turned that into my reality.
You can also choose to just look at your vision board and visualize yourself having and achieving everything you ever wanted.
2. On the Notifications Bell; My Favorite Feature:
Notifications, a quick bell that creates an itch inside you to check your phone. While I have kept my notifications bell off, there is just one app that made me believe that notifications can be healthy for your health.
Perfectly Happy sends notifications every time you open your phone to remind you that you are on a path of abundance and that it’s a reminder to live a positive life.
I personally like this feature a lot because every time I am lost in my thoughts while unconsciously scrolling social media, just one notification by Perfectly Happy reminds me that I CAN ACHIEVE BIG THINGS and it brings me back to the positive and abundant state. This one simple feature will allow you to vibrate at a higher frequency even when you are slipping away.
“One notification is like one hug from the Universe that makes you believe in your dream life.”
3. Journal; Clear Your Thoughts:
I live in a household where we don’t know what privacy is. We just barge into each other’s room examining each other’s items as if we are spies.
Well, I am not complaining but as an adult, it gets a little uncomfortable at times. This is one of the reasons why I paused journaling because I was afraid of ‘what if my sister read my journal?’
And even if she doesn’t, I cannot have my journal with me all the time since I have been traveling a lot for the past 3 months. Besides, I rarely write on paper since I have become a writer.
And all my problems came to an end when I started using Perfectly Happy which allows me to journal as well on the app. It allows us to have a Gratitude and Mood Journal.
A gratitude journal allows you to make a list of all things you are grateful for along with adding images.
Mood Journal first asks you how you feel through emojis then you can add your notes while also selecting the specific area you are writing the journal on like health, sleep, family, wealth, career, and the like.
Journaling is a blessing to me because it helps me to get clarity on my thoughts, clear my head, digest my thoughts and observe what is happening inside me. Since I always have my phone with me, I always have Perfectly Happy, hence a way to journal comfortably.
It is very rare that any app stands out for me. And it’s even rarer for me to use any app for long, I generally get bored. But Perfectly Happy had my heart since the day I started using it. And no, this is not a promotional post. This is my genuine review because I really want you to have this beautiful app that has the potential to transform your mindset and take you closer to your dream life.
Here are some of the benefits of Perfectly Happy:
- You’ll develop a clearer sense of what is truly important to you & what you want to have more of in life
- You’ll become more mindful, present & aware of your positive surroundings
- As you lookout for more positive things around you, you will attract more of them
- You’ll start being highly motivated & fully focused
- You’ll feel more balanced & have a lower stress level
- On days when you are feeling down, it helps you recalibrate your thought patterns in a positive way.
- You’ll grow self-confidence over time as you become more mindful of your achievements
- You’ll start seeing evidence of drawing more positive things & good people into your life