Are you trying to develop an online relationship with a person? Maybe our suggestions on how to make an Internet relationship work will help.

Relationships can be hard enough but meeting someone online can in some ways be harder. Time apart and not being able to see each other can take its toll on a relationship. However, it also allows a couple to get to know each other, opening up to each other more than you might in real life.

Here's a list of suggestions:

  • Make a commitment. Make sure that you both feel the same way about your relationship. Are you seeing each other exclusively? If so, is this somebody that you one day could see relocating for? Internet relationships are difficult, so you need to make sure that you are both willing to make it work.
  • Communicate daily, even if things get busy for one of you. Taking a little time for each other every day is essential. While you don't have to spend several hours a night chatting online, some sort of communication is essential. Tell each other about your day. Involve the other person in your daily life. Make him feel as though he is a part of your life, via email, instant messaging or over the phone.
  • Do things together even if you can't physically be together. Dating when you're not physically together can be tricky so be creative. You could both watch a movie that you want to see. It'll also give you something to talk about afterward. Looking at the stars, maybe finding a constellation that you are both able to see is another idea.
  • Get a webcam. While photos are nice, sometimes all you want to do is see your loved one, face to face.
  • Make plans to see each other. Making plans is important for two reasons: time together and commitment. It gives you a chance to be a couple face to face and spend time together. However, if one of you does not ever want to make plans to visit, then you might want to consider why that is. Is the other person married? By making plans to visit, you are making a further commitment in your relationship. Be sure to remember, however, that despite how close you might be over the Internet or phone, things will be a little awkward when you first meet in person. However, your partner is just as nervous as you.

Safety Tips for Online Dating.

If you're involved in online dating, your personal safety could be at risk. Here are essential online dating safety tips to make your online dating experience a safe one.

Are all the guys around not at all interesting?

Are the women at the bars driving you nuts?


Have you found someone interesting on-line to chat with?

You are a part of a growing number of young men and women who are tired of the same old dating scene and have turned to the internet to find someone new. After all, the community accessible on-line is much bigger than the local campus and it seems as though meeting someone on-line is safer than picking up just anyone in a bar.

The following are things to be aware of:

HONESTY - Everyone is aware that people may misrepresent themselves on-line. As one site put it, 90% of men in on-line dating services report that they are 6' or taller, but only 19% of males are actually 6' or taller. You do the math. Either men who date on-line are a unique subset of the population or someone wants to be a little taller.


  • Use services which require pictures.
  • Ask them to send you several pictures through snail mail (to a different address or P.O. Box).

PRIVACY - Now, you want them to be honest with you, so you should be honest with them, right?

DON'T disclose:

  • phone number
  • address
  • actual email address (use Hotmail or another free email service)

Also, watch out that your personal signature lines on those services do not include the personal information you are trying to guard.


  • On-line services to do background checks.
  • Ask the person if they'd be willing for you to contact some personal references. If the woman says she works for some company, go online and check out their reference.
  • Make sure that you have numerous contacts with the individual prior to agreeing to meet in person. This should include several contacts of different sorts, including phone or snail mail.

The Big Meeting

So, you think you've met your match. You've checked him out and allowed him to check you out. You have sent pictures and email and snail mail and talked on the phone.



  • Just as with a blind date, let someone know where you are and whom you are with. Better yet, bring them along and have them be in the same restaurant to keep their eyes peeled.
  • Meet in a public place.
  • Carry your cell or pager and have someone page you at a certain time. Let your date know you did that. Tell your friend if you don't answer, they should worry.
  • Take your own car or cab.
  • If things get uncomfortable, leave (even if it's through the back door).


  • Be sure that you want to meet in another town, particularly at the expense. You may want to continue calling or writing. If that expense saves you the heartache of a bad experience, it's worth it.
  • Meet on your home turf if you can. This, of course, follows the above guidelines of a public place and such.
  • If you meet them at their place, don't stay with them. Get a hotel elsewhere and arrange your own transportation. Again the expense of that is worth the safety. Don't tell them where you are staying.