Once summoned, Lord Zir is no pushover. His arsenal of powerful attacks, coupled with Diablo 4 Gold the ability to summon deadly allies, ensures that unprepared adventurers will face a swift defeat. Here's how to defeat him:

    Preparation is Key:

        Shadow Resistance:

        Lord Zir deals primarily Shadow damage, so boosting your Shadow Resistance is critical. Aim for the cap of 70% resistance, even if it means sacrificing some offensive stats. Without high resistance, the fight becomes nearly impossible due to the overwhelming damage output.

        Gear Up:

        Equip high-tier Diablo 4 Items that boost survivability and damage output. Legendary or unique gear with Shadow Resistance modifiers and health regeneration can be game-changers.

        Stock Up on Potions:

        Ensure you have a full stock of health potions and elixirs. Using potions that provide additional resistance or increased survivability will give you a better chance at success.

    Battle Strategy:

        Avoid Frontal Attacks:

        Lord Zir's most devastating moves are frontal attacks that can decimate your health bar. Always stay mobile and position yourself behind him whenever possible.

        Handle Summoned Allies:

        At 75% health, Zir summons an Elite Bloodseeker, which must be dealt with immediately. Focus your attacks on this ally before returning to the boss, as leaving it alive can overwhelm you.

        Kite the Blood Spheres:

        At 50% health, Zir summons damaging blood spheres that float around the arena. These deal significant area damage, so stay on the move and kite them to avoid being hit.

        Dodge Blood Rain:

        When Zir's health drops to 25%, he unleashes a powerful blood rain attack that targets a large area. Dodge frequently and stay vigilant to avoid getting caught in Diablo 4 materials for sale its devastating damage.