2020 was a very interesting year for all of us. We got to see first hand how our lives could be affected by factors beyond our control.

It goes without saying that the best thing we could do for ourselves, going forward, with regards to money and financial stability, is to pay more attention to making smart investments.

For most people, this is not very easy. Although they may have the money to invest, finding the right investment opportunity, and the right time to get in could be a very big challenge.

There have been new innovations as a result of what we all experienced in 2020, new companies offering ground breaking technologies, from remote working tools, to knowledge sharing platforms, etc.

All these presents enormous investment opportunities for us to take advantage of, as we see the general shift in the economy, to new ways of doing business.

Let's look at some of the best investment ideas you need to get into in 2022 and beyond.

What is the Best Investment Idea You Need To Get Into In 2022?

1. High Momentum Stocks

Stock Investing / trading remains one of the best methods of building wealth. The reason is simple.

The stock market was created as a “Wealth creation engine” where companies go to raise capital to reinvest in their business for the purpose of expansion, product development, research etc, which could potentially generate more profits for the business and it’s investors.

Identifying and picking these high momentum stocks, i.e stocks that are showing signs of hyper growth / move, in a very short time, will remain one of the best investment ideas in 2022.

2. Gold & Silver Bullion

For centuries, Gold and Silver have played a highly integral role in the monetary system we have today, both as a unit of exchange and as an anchor to monetary value. Today, they remain a safe haven for the storage of value.

Some of the ways you can get into these asset classes could be through a Gold IRA fund, or by purchasing the Gold / Silver bullion themselves, whereby you can choose to take delivery of the item, i.e have them delivered to you for safe keeping, or opt for them to be stored in a secured vault, at a safe location.


3. S&P 500 Index Funds

Investing in Mutual Funds / Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) like the S&P 500 index is another safe investment idea. Rather than investing in a single company, you invest in an index like the S&P 500, which tracks approximately the largest 500 U.S listed companies, which make up the index.

So, if one company is performing badly, the index might still perform better because other stocks which make up the index could be performing better, which means, your investment is not tied to the performance of a single company.


4. Nasdaq-100 Index Funds

This ETF is made up of the top 100 largest domestic and international non-financial companies that are listed on the Nasdaq, based on market capitalization. Just like the S&P 500 index, when you invest in the Nasdaq-100 index, your investments are not hinged to the performance of one company, but 100.

5. Bonds

These are also known as fixed income instruments. When you invest in bonds, you are borrowing the government or companies money. They have a fixed / end date when the principal of the loan is due to be paid back to the bondholder - You. 

This type of investment could be based on variable or fixed interest payments, which the bond issuer will pay you.

Bonds are generally considered less risky than stocks because, unlike stocks, where there is no obligation from the company to pay you dividend, most bonds pay the investor a fixed rate of interest income backed by a promise from the issuer.

However, holding a longer term bond could expose you to a greater degree of interest rate risk.


6. Cryptocurrency

Well, the cat is out of the bag! Cryptos are making waves!. This new phenomenon, especially Bitcoin, has taken the world by storm. 

There are thousands of cryptocurrencies being traded today. Some of them are showing promising moves, while others have come and gone. No doubt, this is a risky asset class, but with high risk, comes high reward.

Cryptocurrency should be part of your investment idea / portfolio in 2022, however, it’s not advisable to invest money that you cannot afford to lose, in cryptocurrency.

7. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Blockchain technology has opened the doors to many groundbreaking innovations. NFTs are one such. “Non-fungible” simply means unique and can’t be replaced with something else. For example, one bitcoin can be traded for another another bitcoin, and they will have the same value. This means bitcoin is “fungible”.

However, with NFTs, you cannot exchange an NFT for another NFT and expect to get the same value.

The value of an NFT is dependent on the price the market is willing to pay for it. Think of it like a painting from a very famous artist.

8. Rental Housing

Property investment is another relatively safe investment you could make which almost guarantees an increase in asset value. There are many ways you could get into this asset class without needing to put down huge deposits

However, interest rates could be high when investing in a rental property, and also be sure to do your research on your preferred location of choice.


9. High Yield Savings Account

This is another safe investment to consider, if you haven’t already done so. Most banks today are offering high yield savings accounts.

The interest you get paid is higher than on deposit and standard savings accounts. Having this type of account could help you reach your financial goals quicker.

Another good thing about having such an account is that most of them will allow you to withdraw your money quicker, without making a longer-term commitment such as a retirement account.