“A government cannot be truly just without affirming the intrinsic value of human life.” ― Charles Colson

“Money’s greatest intrinsic value—and this can’t be overstated—is its ability to give you control over your time.”― Morgan Housel

In a bubble, people are ready to pay any price without any regard to intrinsic value or any value whatsoever because they believe they can always sell it for a profit .Naved Abdali

“Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value ---- zero.”― Francois Marie De Marsy

“Even if I never read another book, I’m still a person with intrinsic value, and later I’ll be a river.”― Daniel Mallory Ortberg

“Intrinsic values and qualities are age-free. For example, social competencies or a good heart.”― Rossana Condoleo.

If you have a farm and you have a bad year, nobody quotes your farm 50% below its actual intrinsic value. But in stocks, this does happen and happens very often. Naved Abdali 

“Your life has intrinsic value, not simply because of who you are as an individual, but because of who He is as your God.”― Hannah Anderson

“Humanity knows nothing at all. There is no intrinsic value in anything, and every action is a futile, meaningless effort.”― Masanobu Fukuoka

“Lacking any intrinsic value, words are only valuable in an instrumental way. Thus, the value of words resides in their ability to accomplish something.”Suarez S.J., Michael F

An accurate estimate of intrinsic value is the essential foundation for steady, unemotional and potentially profitable investing.”― Howard Marks

“The intrinsic value of an asset is determined by the cash flows you expect that asset to generate over its life and how uncertain you feel about these cash flows.”Aswath Damodaran

“Honesty and integrity are the yardsticks by which we measure our intrinsic value.”― Orly Wahba

“Intrinsic personal value - the foundation of ethical value - starts when our individual life journeys begin. It ends only with the cessation of our existence.”John F. Kavanaugh S.J

“The French know the intrinsic value of holding on to the past, its pleasures, its promises, and its tender mercies.”― Peggy Kopman-Owens