The sun was relentless as it beat down with only the constant breeze giving us a semblance of keeping us remotely cool. Shifting, I tried in vain to loosen the remaining dry particles of sand from between my toes without luck. Giving up a moment later, as the crashing waves began lulling me to sleep, Brad speaking startled me back awake.

“It’s so hot,” my new husband whined as I shifted to look over at him. Sitting up on the chaise lounge he occupied next to me, Brad was watching a group of people down the beach as he began applying fresh lotion to his shoulders. He announced, “I’m going to get another drink. Want one?”

“Nah,” I frowned eyeing my still half-full glass that had the remnants of some blue fruity concoction that had in fact been delicious. The ice had melted making it mostly water it but I knew it would only help a little to cut the copious amount of alcohol the bartender had poured into the drink. “I’m good for now.” I groped my hand across the empty expanse between the chairs to grab his knee. “I could use more of you though — -” I grinned devilishly up at him as I walked my fingers up his thigh.

Brad laughed as he squeezed my hand stopping my upward advancement before leaning down to kiss me. “You’re going to be the best wife ever. You’re insatiable. Wasn’t I enough for you this morning?”

“Always enough,” I smiled as he gave my hand back then hoisted himself out of the chaise.

“You sure you don’t want anything — — -to drink?”

“I’m fine,” I replied with a smile as I watched him start to leave.

“Oh yes you are,” Brad quipped. He turned back to give my bikini-covered bottom a playful squeeze then headed up the sand toward the bar leaving me alone.

Turning my attention back to some much-needed sleep, my honeymoon was proving to be exhausting. Snorkeling, swimming, paragliding, and of course the obligatory new-marriage sex-fest was wearing me out. I was just drifting back off to my peaceful sleep when a shadow hovered over me momentarily cooling me from the beating sun.

“Back so soon?” I murmured sleepily at the shadow standing over me.

“But — -I just — -got over here,” a man’s voice replied with a heavy French accent. It was clear that he was struggling to find the right words in English.

“I’m so sorry. I thought you were — -” I stopped then gasped as I looked up. Then I spun over to sit up too quickly as my jaw dropped open.

The man standing over me was completely naked. Not only was he completely naked and powerfully built but he had the biggest penis I’d ever imagined. Moreover, it was looming directly in front of my face a mere foot away. I wanted to tear my eyes away from his large appendage but couldn’t. It was incredible and more than a little frightening.

His cock was as tanned as the rest of him and incredibly thick; much like his muscular body. At least a full eight inches soft, his penis hung between his legs like a doughy snake; a long, well-proportioned doughy snake that just behind the tip looked to be as big around as my wrist! The bulbous plum-shaped tip was enshrouded in a thick layer of purplish foreskin that even as I stared at it in shock, I noted the difference between him and any other man I’d ever been with. Uncircumcised and incredibly well-hung, everything about the man was enormous.

“Oh — -?!” I offered as I eyed his cock for several seconds too long before tearing them away to glance up at the rest of him. Before I could stop them, my eyes roamed back down to his large manhood. “Wow,” I whispered before I could help myself.

“My — -name — -is Jean-Pierre,” he told me with a smile that I missed as I continued staring at his monstrous cock. “Err — -we are — -getting a beach volleyball game going.” He pointed down the beach at the group Brad had noticed milling about before he left to fetch his drink. “Over there — —” He smiled back down at me. “Would you like to play?”

“My husband — -” I began.

“He can play too,” Jean-Pierre finished for me as I still gawked at his incredibly impressive cock. I couldn’t help myself.

Finally, I tore my eyes away from his enormously gorgeous manhood not wanting to be totally rude. “I don’t think he’d want to. He’s not very — -athletic,” I frowned.

As I was answering, Jean-Pierre had taken an elastic hair tie from around his wrist and started pulling back his long wavy hair. Glancing up, I finally noted that his hair was brown and highlighted with blonde streaks from the sun. It had been cascading over his shoulders, but he was pulling it back into a ponytail. As he did, his cock bobbed and swayed heavily between his legs, and my eyes flitted back down to it as I licked my lips.

I’d never been a size queen before in my life, but the sight of his overly large genitalia suddenly had me more than curious to give it a try. The man was incredible; in every way.

Under his cock, his huge balls were the size of a baseball, and I licked my lips again as I eyed them then tore my eyes away again to force myself to look back up at his face. He was handsome and his face was set with smoldering eyes that shown with intensity as if observing my every flustered expression. Gulping, I tried to find somewhere else to focus my attention but failed miserably as my eyes drifted back down to his huge penis.

Despite my husband making love to me earlier in the morning, between my legs, I was flowing like a river and I suddenly felt self-conscious as I watched Jean-Pierre’s eyes flit across my own body clearly checking me out as I was him. Despite my recent marriage of only a few days prior, my attraction to the other man was more than obvious and took me by complete surprise; even as I continued eyeing his gigantic cock!

“Too bad,” Jean-Pierre shrugged. “If you change your mind, we are right — -,” he turned and pointed back down the beach again causing his cock to sway like a metronome and my eyes took in every pendulous movement. “ — -over there,” he finished.

“Thanks,” I mumbled as he smiled back down at me then turned to walk away.

“Au revoir,” Jean-Pierre called to me as he waved over his shoulder.

“Au revoir,” I mumbled and waved stupidly as I watched his incredible rock-like backside as he walked away.

He was just as impressive leaving as he was when he had been standing in front of me. As I watched, Jean-Pierre stopped in front of two bikini-clad women sunning themselves and I watched them giggle as they betook his incredibly massive manhood and maybe even the rest of his flawless body. Ruggedly built and heavily muscled, the Frenchman was an Adonis to say the least; an Adonis with the biggest cock I’d ever seen!

Brad plopping into the chair next to me tore my attention away and I turned to look at him clearly flustered. As I did, I couldn’t help noting the differences between his body and Jean-Pierre’s. The differences were huge and in more than a lot of ways.

“Who’s your new friend?” Brad asked as he sipped his fruity drink through a straw. He looked amused at my embarrassment but did he know why? Setting his drink aside, he began dabbing lotion onto his nose coating it white.

“Jean-Pierre,” I mumbled as I looked away from my new husband to watch my “new friend” take the girls’ hands to lead them back toward the starting volleyball game.

“Well, he’s ahhh — — very naked,” my husband quipped.

“Is he ever,” I breathed as I watched the trio join the game and wondered how Jean-Pierre was going to play completely naked with all that heavy cock flopping around.

“Marcy — — over here,” Brad snapped his fingers at me breaking my trance. “Geez — -we go on our honeymoon and you ogle another man’s penis?” He was laughing at my reaction.

I waved the thought off pretending to be dismissive. “It was — — it was nothing,” I lied frowning while shrugging my shoulders to try and make it sound more convincing. “Small — -very small,” I lied again as I held my thumb and forefinger up only a few inches apart.

“Well — -I’d hate to have to get jealous then. Good thing he’s tiny,” Brad told me as he settled back in his chaise lounge and my eyes darted down to the small lump in his shorts. “Too bad for him,” he added as he made himself comfortable.

“Yeah — -tiny. Too bad for him,” I mumbled even as my eyes roamed back up the beach to the volleyball game. Even at that distance, I could see Jean-Pierre’s huge manhood flopping about as he made shot after shot on the sand court. It was a good thing my husband didn’t look that way to catch me in my lies.


A couple of hours later, Brad was getting too much sun and wanted to go back to the room to lie down. By that time, I was more than hot as well. In fact, I was downright steamy after watching Jean-Pierre and his enormous cock flop about for hours as he played volleyball and spiked several shots. The rest of his body was equally as impressive as his manhood and my husband lounging next to me seemed completely oblivious. Between my legs, I was flowing like the Nile as I watched Jean-Pierre feeling a tinge of jealousy for the girls that he had recruited to play instead of me.

Packing up our belongings, I cast a final glance at the group still playing volleyball and watched Jean-Pierre take a moment to smile and wave toward me. As I turned to follow my husband back to our room, I gave my “new friend” a small wave in return as I burned the image of his monstrous cock and hot body into my brain.


Up in the room, Brad headed straight to bed. I was interested in the same thing, but unfortunately, he had other things in mind, like a nap. Lounging around the room while he slept blissfully, I quickly grew restless until I finally couldn’t take it anymore. Sneaking into the bathroom, I shut the door behind me then quietly locked it. With my husband sleeping in the other room, I took a long look at myself in the mirror then stepped back to give myself a full-length view.

Tanned and blonde, I was looking good. The hours at the gym, making sure I was able to fit into my wedding dress, had done me a world of good. As I listened for Brad to see if he was still awake, my hands wandered down my body to cup my full breasts. Popping them out of my bikini top, I took a good long look at my ripe globes and my already hard crinkled nipples. Flashes of Jean-Pierre and his oversized cock kept flitting through my mind along with guilt and behind my reflection, I pictured him standing behind me groping me instead of my own hands. Shaking my head as I closed my eyes, I tried to push the image aside even as I pinched my nipples making them ache even more.

I felt incredibly guilty for lusting after another man, on my honeymoon even! Trying to shake off the images of the long doughy penis that had been at my direct eye level inches from my face, it was no use. Not only were Jean-Pierre’s muscles big but so was his huge cock. Both were much bigger than Brad’s. In fact, everything about my “new friend” was much larger than my husband.

Opening my eyes, I stared blankly at myself in the mirror and tried to quell my guilt even though my hand was already wandering down over my stomach to probe into my bikini bottoms. It was as if I couldn’t stop it and had no control over what I was doing. Delving my fingers into my slit, I found myself not just soaked but embarrassingly drenched. The thin fabric of my bikini bottoms was clinging to my plump mound and tucked into the crease up the middle.

Gasping at the steady stream of arousal that was flowing from me, I tried to tell myself it was from my new husband and the fact that we had made love earlier that morning. Starting a family right away had already been discussed and we weren't using any protection. Maybe his sperm had taken effect quickly and it was pregnancy hormones making me so wet? Frowning, deep down I knew that wasn’t the case.

Delving my fingers into my wet slit, I quickly found my clit. Trying to picture my sleeping husband’s cock as I began masturbating, the image was soon replaced by images of Jean-Pierre and his enormous cock and his thick bulging muscles. As my hips flexed and I bucked against my hand stroking my clit, I was clamping my lips together in a vain attempt to stifle my moaning as the first orgasm began to build.

Thoughts of Jean-Pierre kissing my entire body flashed through my mind. The taste of his cock was vividly pulsing through my brain even as I wondered about what it would be like to peel his massive foreskin back from his bulbous cockhead. Images of his enormous cock splitting me open and filling me pulsed through my mind as I envisioned him bending me over the sink fucking me like the whore I felt like. Envisioning, my hips locked in the tight grip of his strong hands as he fucked me pushed my orgasm higher. With a tight grip on the edge of the counter with one hand, my other hand was doing its sinful work between my legs and it took me less than two minutes to climax.

Astounded by how fast I came, as I cracked my eyes open to look at my reflection in the mirror, I kept going. My fingers swirling on my clit felt amazing and I was rewarded when I climaxed a second and then a third time in quick succession. By the time I finished, I was panting heavily, and my knees were weak to the point that they started to buckle. Reluctantly, I pulled my soaked fingers from my clit to steady myself against the counter with both hands.

“Holy shit,” I whispered to my flushed reflection realizing that I had given myself the most orgasms that Iever had in my life; either by myself or with someone else! Looking down, I studied the slick webs of my cum dangling between my fingers. I’d never climaxed that hard in my life!

It had all been because of the images of Jean-Pierre bending me over the sink while his enormous cock drilled deep inside me. The fantasy of him fucking me had been so vivid.

Still trembling, I cleaned myself up and headed back out to the bedroom to lay down next to my husband. I suddenly desired a much-needed nap as much as I desired Jean-Pierre.